6 Pack Eazy Azz Aluminium Oyster Trays image 2

We Sell The Only Conveniently Shaped Oyster Tray Around!

We aim to provide the highest customer service in the industry with a personalized approach. We want to be Eazy to deal with, excelling in expectations of our customers.

The Eazy Azz Oyster Tray avoids double handling in the kitchen, making it time efficient and convenient for oysters lovers everywhere.

They can be used in most social situations including BBQ’s, camping, events and any kitchen. After use, wash and place in the recycle bin or you can reuse them for next time.

Our tray is so unique, it holds an Australian registered design RD 201610862 and standard patent has been granted by the IP Australia 2016201006.

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Why Choose Us

Trustworthy Service

Eazy Azz is an Australian owned family business, the World’s 1st all in one oyster tray.

Eazy Azz Aluminium Oyster Trays | Bulk 500pk | Contact Us Direct image 3

Why Choose us

Eazy Puchase Options

The Eazy Azz Oyster Tray comes in a variety of eazy purchase options. 6, 12, 24 & 125 trays in a pack for the home seafood cook.


Commercial quantity's available in 350 & 500 packs.


Why Choose Us

We Deliver World Wide

We have our own dedicated warehouse and can deliver our trays world wide for your maximum convenience.

Eazy Azz Aluminium Oyster Trays | Bulk 350pk image 1

Why Choose Us

Top Quality

Whether you’re selling retail packs or packing & cooking oysters for retail, the Eazy Azz oyster tray will help you to maximize satisfaction with your customers. Making oysters Eazy to eat so your customers will spend more. We’re also proud that they’re 100% recyclable.


Our Customers

Eazy Azz Oyster Trays are being stocked WORLD WIDE in quality restaurants, retailers, wholesale distributors and markets. Our customer service is something we hang our hat on, so you can expect orders on time with excellent product quality standards.


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